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Why you may want to consider the Raw Food diet

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

There are multiple reasons why the raw food diet for your dog may be a good choice

for you to feed you pet! There are many people who have a hard time trying to get their

dog to eat or trying to find out what would be a good kibble for your dog to eat. Let's get


Kibble isn't always the greatest option for your dog. The ingredients and the people who

manufacture the dog food can cause your dog harm in the long run. If you do a small experiment where you add kibble and water together in a bowl and let it sit, when you checkback on the bowl, you will find that the kibble can be smelly, turn twice the size it originally was, and looks very much like slop. There a lot of videos on YouTube on this experiment for you to see.

Lets get into what the raw food diet is: Many follow the 80,10,10 rule. (8.0 muscle meat, 1.0 bone, 1.0 organ). These meats you can find at your local grocery store! Muscle meats including beef, chicken, and pork. The organs include some such as kidney, liver, tripe, etc. Bone would include any bone that you find on the meat. The benefits of raw are that dogs usually receive shiner coats and less risk of sickness and disease to name a few. They can be overall healthier.

DISCLAIMER: Giving your dog raw for the first time is a process for dogs. Some dogs can be picky! So sometimes they aren't used to the texture of the raw food straight out the package. Some dogs like it frozen a little bit while others may like for the meat to be a tiny bit sautéed. It depends on your dogs preference. They can also sometimes not poop for 2-3 days and then when they do they experience diarrhea. This is NORMAL. A fix for this can be pumpkin filling or letting them naturally experience it until they stop and get used to it.

Some people do raw and kibble which is also a great idea especially if your dog doesn't follow the 80,10,10 or any other rule that deals with the raw food diet. Any questions about the diet? Email

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